Georgia Southern University Center for Art & Theatre
233 Pittman Drive, Statesboro GA 30460

Georgia Southern University Center for Art & Theatre
Opened in 2008, the Center for Art & Theatre is a breathtaking public venue for performances, art exhibitions, and events. With 5,000 square feet of galleries located in the center of Georgia Southern University’s active campus, the Center for Art & Theatre houses two diverse permanent collections: the Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artists Collection and Smith Callaway Banks Southern Folk Art Collection. In the University and Contemporary galleries, an active exhibition season features multiple annual Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art student exhibitions that not only showcase student accomplishments, but also provide professional exhibition experience for all levels of students. In addition, the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art also hosts exhibitions each year made up of visiting artists from around the world that not only allows students to view contemporary artwork of all mediums, but meet the professional artists as part of the Visiting Artists/Lecture Series. Home to the Department of Communication Arts’ Theatre & Performance Program, the Black Box Theatre, which seats up to 150 people, is unique to the area in that the entire stage and seating area can be transformed depending on the performance. The Black Box Theatre is fully equipped with a sound booth and catwalk with state of the art equipment and technology. To support performances, the Center for Art & Theatre also houses a Green Room, Costume Shop and roll-up door to bring in set designs created in Theatre & Performance’s Scene Shop just three blocks away. Theatre & Performance provides the community with four major productions a year. In addition, they present smaller performances, such as the annual 10-Minute Play Festival, and host events such as the Patti Pace Performance Studies Festival. Additionally, just off of the Center for Art & Theatre’s atrium is a sculpture garden with its very own coy pond which many have enjoyed during private functions held in the building.
Where to find Georgia Southern University Center for Art & Theatre
233 Pittman Drive,Statesboro GA 30460