Parkwood RV Park & Cottages
Parkwood RV Park and Cottages in Statesboro Georgia is a great location for your travel stopover, winter retreat, or next club rally. Conveniently located in Statesboro Georgia, Parkwood has the amenities you want including cable television, full hookups, wireless internet, 50 amp service, swimming pool, and a fabulous clubhouse. Nestled near the beaches of south Georgia, Parkwood’s beautiful landscape is always in bloom with Dogwood, Magnolia, Azalea, and countless other native plants. Ever mindful of today’s larger RV’s, Parkwood is designed as a “Big Rig” park. Most sites at Parkwood have pull thru access to a thirty-foot wide site, which is eighty-five feet in length. Our open site design allows excellent satellite reception. --Meeting space available-- Large Hall: -Theater 72 -Classroom 30 -Reception 66 -Banquet 66 -Sq Ft 1,160 Small Hall: -Theater 55 -Classroom 54 -Reception 66 -Banquet 66 -Sq Ft 640 Combined Halls: -Theater 107 -Classroom 78 -Reception 120 -Banquet 120 -Sq Ft 1,800 Catering: Provided. Off-site is allowed.
Where to find Parkwood RV Park & Cottages
12188 US-301,Statesboro GA 30458